China Daily
We all know the dangers of a diet that’s high in fat. From hypertension to diabetes, heart disease to even some forms of cancer, the range of ailments that can be laid squarely at the feet of eating poorly and being overweight or obese. But a new study from researchers at the Toyko Medical and Dental University (TMDU) in Japan have now found having a fat-heavy diet can also accelerate hair loss.我们都知道高脂肪饮食的危害。高血压、糖尿病、心脏病,甚至一些癌症都可以直接归咎于饮食不健康或肥胖。但日本东京医科齿科大学(TMDU)研究人员的一项新研究发现,高脂肪饮食也会加速脱发。
In the average healthy adult, the hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) renew themselves regularly which is why your hair grows back when you cut it and also why it becomes longer. As with most things in the human body, though, the onset of age doesn’t do the HSFCs any favours and, as you get older, the stem cells lose their ability to replenish as efficiently as they once did, leaving the hair to thin and/or fall out.一般健康成年人的毛囊干细胞会定期自我更新,这就是为什么你剪掉的头发会长回来,也是头发会变长的原因。然而,与人体内的大多数情况一样,年龄对毛囊干细胞没有任何好处,随着年龄的增长,干细胞失去了以前那样的更新能力,导致头发变少和/或脱发。
In the study carried out by TMDU’s department of stem cell biology, mice that had been given a high-fat diet (HFD) were more susceptible to inflammatory responses in the body which, in turn, blocked follicle regeneration, leading to hair loss. What was surprising was that the deterioration in the hair follicles could happen in as little as four days spent on a high-fat diet and that the problem seemed to be worse in older mice.在东京医科齿科大学干细胞生物学系开展的研究中,高脂饮食喂养的小鼠更容易受到体内炎症反应的影响,而炎症反应会阻碍毛囊再生,导致掉毛。令人惊讶的是,短短四天的高脂肪饮食就可让毛囊发生退化,而老年鼠的问题似乎更严重。