难以置信!用二氧化碳和氢气就能造出黄油 而且味道还不错
China Daily
Savor, a California-based startup backed by legendary businessman Bill Gates, has come up with a method of producing butter-like fat out of just carbon dioxide and hydrogen.传奇企业家比尔·盖茨赞助的美国加州初创企业Savor开发了一种仅用二氧化碳和氢气就能造出黄油状脂肪的技术。
Starting from the idea that all fats are composed of chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, Savor patented a thermochemical process to build fat molecules and then produce dairy-free alternatives to products like milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream that not only have the same texture as the real thing but also taste the same. This process doesn’t release any greenhouse gases, and it uses no farmland and less than a thousandth of the water that traditional agriculture does, so this synthesized fat has a much lower carbon footprint than real animal fat. So far, taste tests have shown that Savor’s alternative to butter has an almost indistinguishable flavor from the real thing, but the company still has a lot of challenges to overcome before bringing it to market.Savor公司的这一专利技术基于所有脂肪都是由碳原子链和氢原子链组成的原理,通过热化学过程构建出脂肪分子,从而生产出牛奶、黄油、奶酪、冰淇淋等产品的无乳替代品,这种新产品不仅质地和真正的乳制品相似,而且味道也相差无几。整个过程不释放任何温室气体,无需农田耕作,所消耗的水也不到传统农业生产过程的千分之一,因此这种人工合成脂肪的碳足迹远低于真正的动物脂肪。迄今为止的品尝测试均显示,Savor公司的黄油替代品口感和真黄油几乎难以分辨,不过该公司还需要克服许多挑战才能将其推向市场。
"We are currently pre-commercial and working through regulatory approval to be able to sell our butter,” Kathleen Alexander, CEO of Savor, said. “We are not expecting to be able to move forward with any kind of sales until at least 2025.”Savor公司的首席执行官凯思琳·亚历山大表示:“我们目前还处于商业化前的阶段,需要经过监管机构审批才能销售我们的黄油。我们预计至少要等到2025年才可能上市。”
In a recent blog post, Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates explained that Savor has a real shot of coming up with a successful butter alternative, because their version “tastes really good – like the real thing, because chemically it is.” 微软创始人兼慈善家比尔·盖茨在最近的一篇博客文章中解释道,Savor公司生产的这种黄油替代品很可能会取得成功,因为该产品“味道真的很不错,就和真黄油一样,因为化学成分也一样。”