China Daily
A series of e-commerce livestreaming events featuring goods from Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members has seen nearly 100 million yuan in sales of goods, according to the Ministry of Commerce. Kicked off on Jan. 10, nearly 1,800 livestreaming events have been held, with over 4 million viewers participated.
Meanwhile, a total of 1,500 categories of featured products from the countries were on sale, with 14 envoys from SCO member states taking part in the online shopping festival and introducing their countries' New-Year traditions to Chinese viewers.
The events are set to advance a five-year goal of achieving 2.3 trillion U.S. dollars of China-SCO trade volume, and have effectively enhanced the visibility and market influence of goods from SCO countries in China, Gao said.
去年,中国在上合组织成员国元首理事会第二十一次会议上承诺,力争未来5年同本组织国家累计贸易额实现2.3万亿美元目标(a five-year goal of achieving 2.3 trillion U.S. dollars of China-SCO trade volume)。而此次活动将通过直播让上合组织国家的进口商品更好分享中国市场的红利。
China's trade with other member states of the SCO hit a record high of 343.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2021, jumping 40 percent from the previous year.