China Daily
The pilot program has been hailed as a "resounding success" after employees reported improved well-being anda majority of the participating companies said they would keep the change.Autonomy的四天工作制试点计划被视为“巨大的成功”,员工表示,幸福感提高了,大多数参与公司表示他们将维持四天工作制。
Employees at companies that adopted a four-day work week without pay cuts said they were happier and healthier, while revenues did notfall实行四天工作制而不减薪的公司员工表示,他们更快乐、更健康,而收入并没有下降。
At the conclusion of the six-month trial, 56 of those companies, or 92%, decided to stick with a four-day work week, and 18 did so permanently. 在六个月的试验结束时,61家公司中的56家(92%)决定坚持每周四天工作制,其中18家决定永久实行这一政策。
The companies that participated were from a wide range of sectors and sizes and were permitted to design a four-day week policy tailored to their own needs, with the onlyconditions being that pay was not cut and employees were given a "meaningful" reduction in work time.参与研究的公司行业不同,规模不一,并可以根据自身需求设计每周工作四天的政策,唯一的要求是不减薪,并“实际”缩减员工工作时间。
A shorter work week was found to improve employees' well-being. Before and after data showed that 39% of employees reported feeling less stressed, while 71% had reduced levels of burnout at the end of the trial. Surveyed employees said they also felt less anxious, less fatigued and were sleeping better.研究发现,缩短工作时间可以提高员工幸福感。试点计划开展前后数据显示,39%的员工表示压力减轻,而71%的员工在试验结束时的倦怠程度有所降低。接受调查的员工表示,他们还感到不那么焦虑、疲劳,睡眠有所改善。
Employees also said their work-life balance improved, but the benefits were not limited to workers.员工们还称,他们的工作与生活更加平衡,但四天工作制不仅仅给员工带来了好处。
Administrative data from the participating companies showed that revenues rose by 1.4% on average, weighted by company size, during the trial period. When compared to a similar period from previous years, organizations with a shorter work weekactually reportedrevenue increases of 35% on average— which the study authors said indicated healthy growth at the same time there was a reduction in work.参与试验的企业的管理数据显示,在试验期间,按公司规模加权,收入平均增长1.4%。与往年同期相比,每周工作时间较短的企业,实际上报告的收入平均增长了35%——研究作者表示,这表明在员工工作时间缩短的同时,企业实现了健康增长。