越南总理访华将巩固中越关系良好发展势头 对两国关系挑拨离间注定失败
China Daily
Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh is in China on a four-day formal visit, during which he will attend the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin.越南政府总理范明政正在中国进行为期四天的正式访问,并出席在天津举行的第十四届夏季达沃斯论坛。
In their meeting on Monday in Beijing, Chinese Premier Li Qiang pointed out that amid the complex and volatile world situation China and Vietnam can inject more stability and positive energy into world peace and the development of the two countries by working together to take their relations to a new level.6月26日上午,国务院总理李强在北京同范明政会谈时指出,在复杂动荡的世界局势中,中越双方可以在新起点上把双边关系推上新台阶,为世界和平发展注入更多稳定性和正能量。
Pham’s positive responses to the series of proposals Li made to upgrade and expand bilateral cooperation in trade, security, energy, regional development and culture show Vietnam’s willingness to share China’s development dividends, tap the potential of their complementary economies and seek regional integration.范明政就提升扩大中越在贸易、安全、能源、区域发展和文化等领域合作的一系列建议做出积极回应,这表明越南乐于分享中国发展红利,挖掘两国经济互补潜力,寻求区域一体化的意愿。
Prime Minister Pham’s visit is important for both countries in multiple ways. It is not only Pham’s first China trip as Vietnamese prime minister, but the first by a Vietnamese prime minister in seven years. It occurs as the two countries commemorate the 15th anniversary of their comprehensive strategic partnership, and as an increasing number of non-regional countries are bolstering their presence in the region seeking to sow the seeds of discord.范明政此次访华对中越两国都具有重要意义。这不仅是他就任越南政府总理后首次对中国进行正式访问,也是越南政府总理7年来首次对中国进行正式访问。此次范明政访华正值越中建立全面战略合作伙伴关系15周年之际;与此同时,越来越多域外国家加强在该地区存在,试图播下冲突的种子。
But Pham’s remarks will upset those awaiting a breakup between Hanoi and Beijing. To their disappointment, Pham’s trip has nothing to do with the kind of geopolitical game outsiders want, but everything to do with strengthening ties.不过,范明政的言论将让那些盼着中越关系破裂的人感到沮丧。令他们失望的是,范明政此行的目的是加强中越关系,而非外界期望的地缘政治游戏。
The openness the Vietnamese prime minister expressed to strengthening exchanges and coordination to properly handle the disputes between the two sides was highly welcomed by Li. No matter how hard third parties work to exploit the maritime disputes between the two neighbors in an attempt to turn them against each other, Beijing and Hanoi are shelving their differences to pursue the greater good of peace and cooperation.范明政表示,愿意加强双方对话合作,越方愿同中方管控好分歧,李强对此表示高度认同。无论第三方如何企图利用中越存在的分歧挑拨中越关系,试图制造对立,中越双方都在搁置分歧,以追求和平与合作带来的更多利益。
As both sides have pointed out in relation to Pham’s visit, each side considers relations with the other to be a diplomatic priority. This is not only a natural product of the two countries’ historical friendship and their long-standing mutually beneficial exchanges in the process of regional economic integration. It is also the result of a forward-looking strategic choice by them.正如中越双方就范明政此次访华所指出的那样,中越都视对方为外交优先方向。这不仅是中越两国历史友谊和在区域经济一体化进程中长期互利往来的自然产物,也是双方前瞻性战略选择的结果。
During Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s China visit in 2022, the two countries signed the “Joint Statement on Further Consolidating and Deepening the China-Vietnam All-round Partnership of Strategic Cooperation”.2022年,在越南共产党中央委员会总书记阮富仲对中国进行正式访问期间,两国发布了《关于进一步加强和深化中越全面战略合作伙伴关系的联合声明》。
Prime Minister Pham’s participation in the Tianjin event is meant, to a great extent, to attract more foreign direct investment to Vietnam. Chinese enterprises are already showing they are happy to oblige. Vietnam is China’s largest trading partner among the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and Chinese direct investment in Vietnam has kept increasing in recent years, becoming the fourth largest last year.范明政出席天津夏季达沃斯论坛,希望借此吸引更多外部资本到越南投资。中国企业对此已经表现出积极兴趣。越南是中国在东盟最大贸易伙伴,近年来中国对越直接投资不断增加。
Those trying to drive a wedge between the two countries are betting on a losing hand.那些试图在中越之间挑拨离间的人注定失败。