China Daily
近日,一些关于自闭症儿童的画作变美食的视频受到了众多网友的喜爱。视频中,博主们以美食的形式再现自闭症儿童充满创意的画作。该活动由短视频平台发起,呼吁社会各界能够给予这些“星星的孩子”更多的关爱,一起走进他们的内心世界。 One blogger used buttercream to draw the patterns from autistic children's paintings on cakes. Another blogger uses many ingredients to recreate a landscape painting.有的博主用奶油霜在蛋糕、吐司上画出自闭症孩子们画中的图案。有的博主用不同的食材将孩子们的风景画制成了立体美食。 "Use the biscuit base as the earth, mocha cookie crumbs as the lawn, blue butterfly peas as the rockery, gum paste as grass, eatable forget-me-not flowers as lavenders...These paintings that can be eaten are really fantastic!"作者巧妙地用饼干底做大地,抹茶曲奇做草坪,巧克力做小房子,又将食品级蓝色勿忘我蘸上黑巧在饼干底上挨个种上“薰衣草”,一幅美食制成的风景画就大功告成啦!