China Daily
A large-scale mausoleum in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi province, has been identified as belonging to Emperor Wendi of the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-AD 25), the National Cultural Heritage Administration announced.国家文物局通报,位于陕西省西安市的一处大型陵墓确认为汉文帝霸陵。
这里的mausoleum,读作[ˌmɔsəˈliəm],一般指“(埋葬遗体的)大型陵墓,陵寝”等,比如:中山陵(Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum),秦始皇陵(Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor)等,由此可以看出,mausoleum一般指“规模比较大、有历史或纪念意义的陵墓”。
The mausoleum, located in Jiangcun village on the eastern outskirts of Xi'an, is surrounded by more than 100 ancient tombs and outer burial pits. Excavation has been carried out in the area since 2017, with numerous relics unearthed including dressed pottery figurines, crossbows, and official seals.该陵墓位于西安市东郊的江村,四周发现100多座外藏坑。发掘工作从2017年开始,出土了陶俑、弩、官印等大量文物。
However, archaeologists did not find any signs of construction in Fenghuangzui during their investigation and concluded that the area is nothing more than a naturally formed loess ridge.然而,考古人员勘探后在凤凰嘴没有发现任何建筑遗迹,认为那里只是一道自然黄土梁。