美通胀高企冲击普通民众生活 “美国梦”被残酷现实击溃
China Daily
In the wake of the surge in inflation seen in recent years, the economic landscape in the US is undergoing a seismic shift, one marked by escalating prices and dwindling purchasing power for millions of Americans. Despite the Biden administration’s assurances of swift action and effective policy implementation, the reality on the ground paints a grim picture of economic distress and uncertainty. From the aisles of grocery stores to monthly energy bills, the cost of living continues to soar, leaving families grappling to make ends meet and casting doubt on the government’s ability to effectively address this pressing issue.近年来,随着通货膨胀飙升,美国的经济形势正发生剧烈变化:物价不断上涨,数百万美国人的购买力持续下降。尽管政府保证迅速采取行动并实施有效措施,但现实情况却描绘出一幅经济困境和充满不确定性的严峻画面。从杂货店的过道到每月的能源账单,生活成本持续攀升让美国家庭艰难维持生计,也让民众对政府有效解决这一紧迫问题的能力产生了怀疑。
Annual inflation in the US has averaged more than 5 percent since 2021. Meanwhile, consumer prices have surged once more, jumping by 3.5 percent for the 12-month period ending in March, as indicated by the latest Consumer Price Index figures. Basic necessities such as food and shelter have become increasingly unaffordable for many, exacerbating financial hardships and widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots.自2021年以来,美国的年通胀率平均超过5%。与此同时,最新数据显示,消费者价格指数再次飙升,在截至今年3月的12个月内上涨了3.5%。对多数人来说,食物和住所等基本生活必需品越来越贵,这让经济更加困难,贫富差距进一步拉大。
The impact of inflation is perhaps most acutely felt in the price of groceries, with the cost of essential food items having skyrocketed, placing an immense strain on household budgets. The rising cost of food has disproportionately affected low-income households, exacerbating food insecurity and pushing vulnerable populations further into poverty.高通胀对基本生活消费品价格的影响最为明显,基本食品的价格飙升导致家庭预算更紧张。食品价格的上涨对低收入家庭造成了不成比例的影响,加剧了食品不安全,并使弱势群体进一步陷入贫困。
But the burden of inflation extends far beyond the grocery store. The cost of energy, from gasoline to electricity, has also surged, further squeezing already stretched budgets and compounding the financial strain on households. With high gas prices and utility bills soaring, the ability of working families and individuals to make ends meet has become increasingly precarious. Commutes to work have become prohibitively expensive, while the heating and cooling of homes has become a luxury that many can no longer afford.但通胀的影响远远不止于此。汽油、电力的能源成本也在激增,这让预算情况雪上加霜,加剧了美国家庭的财务压力。随着油价和水电费的飙升,工薪家庭和个人的收支能力变得越来越不稳定。上班通勤昂贵得令人望而却步,而家庭供暖和制冷已经成为许多人再也负担不起的奢侈品。
Instead of enacting policies to rein in inflation and alleviate the financial burden on households, the White House has pursued reckless spending initiatives that have only exacerbated the problem.美国政府没有制定政策来控制通胀和减轻家庭的财政负担,而是采取了鲁莽的支出举措,让情况进一步恶化。
The Build Back Better agenda, touted as a solution to America’s economic woes, has only contributed to inflationary pressures, rapidly increasing government spending and further fueling inflationary expectations. 号称解决美国经济困境的“重建更好未来”法案只会加剧通胀压力,迅速增加政府支出,进一步加剧通胀预期。
Rather than addressing the immediate needs of struggling Americans, the administration has prioritized partisan agendas over pragmatic solutions, leaving millions to suffer the consequences.美国政府没有解决民众的迫切需求,而是将党派议程置于务实的解决方案之上,让数百万民众承受后果。
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies have only compounded the problem, with loose monetary policy fueling inflationary pressures and eroding citizens’ purchasing power. Despite warnings from economists and policymakers, the Fed has remained steadfast in its commitment to maintaining accommodative policies, further stoking inflationary fears and undermining confidence in the economy.此外,美联储的货币政策只会使问题恶化。宽松的货币政策会加剧通胀压力,削弱民众的购买力。尽管经济学家和政策制定者发出了警告,但美联储仍坚定地致力于维持宽松的政策,进一步加剧了通胀担忧,削弱了民众对经济的信心。
The American dream now stands threatened by the harsh realities of inflation. The dream of homeownership and financial stability has become increasingly elusive for young professionals striving to carve out a future for themselves and their families. 如今,“美国梦”受到高通胀这一严峻现实的威胁。对于那些努力为自己和家人开辟未来的年轻上班族来说,拥有住房和财务稳定的梦想变得越来越渺茫。
英文来源:Arab News