China Daily
A 15-year-old girl was found dead of a suspected overdose by her mother in January.今年1月,马里兰州蒙哥马利县一名15岁的女孩被母亲发现疑似死于用药过量。
The early February death of a student in Arlington, Virginia, after he overdosed in the school bathroom has school districts throughout the region on guard. 2月初,弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市一名学生在学校浴室内因服药过量死亡。该事件为该地区学区敲响警钟。
In neighboring Fairfax County, Virginia, there were 30 nonfatal opioid overdoses in the first month of 2023.在邻近的弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县,1月发生30起非致命的阿片类药物过量。
A school official told local lawmakers that Narcan has been administered twice so far in this school year.一名学校官员告诉当地立法者,本学年迄今为止已经发生两起施用纳洛酮的情况(纳洛酮一般用于拮抗阿片类药物过量导致的不良反应)。
In February, CNN reported on a couple arrested in Carrollton, Texas, after 10 juveniles overdosed and three died. Authorities said they traced a deluge of pills known as “M30s” from middle and high schools in the area to one house. M30s are counterfeit synthetic opioids pressed to look like prescription oxycodone.据CNN今年2月报道,在 10名青少年滥用药物其中3人致死后,警察在得克萨斯州卡罗尔顿逮捕了一对夫妇。警方表示,他们通过对该地区中学和高中调查,追踪到一所存放了大量“M30”药片的房子。M30是伪造的合成阿片类药物,被压制成处方药羟考酮的样子。
In Hays County, Texas, during the summer and first week of the school year, four students died of suspected fentanyl poisoning. Another student, a 14-year-old, died in January.在得克萨斯州海斯县,在夏季学年的第一周,四名学生因疑似芬太尼中毒死亡。另一名14岁的学生于1月去世。
Lake Travis Fire Rescue Chief Robert Abbott told CNN there were five nonfatal overdoses in his community outside Austin, Texas, in a little more than 24 hours between Sunday and Monday.据CNN报道,特拉维斯湖消防救援负责人罗伯特·阿博特称,仅仅在3月5日至6日的一天多时间里,得州奥斯汀市郊外的社区就发生了五起非致命性用药过量事件。
“I can tell you this opioid crisis is present in every demographic that we represent,” Abbott said. “It’s in the affluent areas; it’s in the poorest and the middle-class areas. And it’s often with people who have no experience using narcotics.”阿博特说:“我可以说,阿片类药物滥用危机存在于每个群体中。这类事件发生在富人社区,也发生在贫民窟、中产社区。而且经常发生在没有吸毒经历的人身上。”