China Daily
At a car show in Dumas, Arkansas, one person was killed and at least 27 injured -- the most people wounded in a mass shooting event in the US since a shooter in 2019 targeted shopping centers in Odessa and Midland, Texas, according to the Gun Violence Archive.阿肯色州杜马市的一场车展上发生枪击事件,造成1人死亡,至少27人受伤,根据美国枪支暴力档案馆数据,这是自2019年得州奥德萨和米德兰的购物中心枪击事件以来,美国大规模枪击事件中受伤人数最多的一次。
At least 107 mass shootings have unfolded so far this year in the US, per the Gun Violence Archive, which defines a mass shooting as four or more people shot, not including the shooter. 枪支暴力档案馆数据显示,今年迄今为止,美国至少发生了107起大规模枪击事件。该档案将大规模枪击事件定义为不包括枪手在内四人或四人以上被枪击中的枪击案。
More than two-thirds of the country's most populous cities recorded more homicides in 2021 than the previous year, with at least 10 setting all-time homicide records -- with the majority committed with a firearm, according to a CNN analysis of police department data.根据CNN对警局数据的分析,在全美人口最多的城市中,超过三分之二的城市2021年记录的凶杀案比前一年多,至少有10个城市打破了凶杀案历史记录,其中大多数是用枪支犯罪。
New Iberia, Louisiana: 5 injured, including an infant路易斯安那州新伊比利亚:5人受伤,包括一名婴儿
A drive-by shooting Friday night in New Iberia, Louisiana, injured five people, among them a 7-month-old, according to the local police department.据当地警局称,3月18日晚,路易斯安那州新伊比利亚发生一起驾车枪击案,造成5人受伤,其中包括一名7个月大的婴儿。
Three people suffered non-life-threatening injuries, while two others, including the infant and an adult, were hospitalized in critical condition.三名伤者无生命危险,另外一名婴儿和一名成人情况危急,在医院接受治疗。
The infant was in stable condition Monday and scheduled to have surgery, police said. The adult lost her left eye as a result of the shooting and had been released from the hospital.警方称,受伤婴儿3月21日伤情稳定,计划进行手术。受伤成年人因枪击失去左眼,已出院。
The shooting remains under investigation.该枪击案仍在调查中。