China Daily
据美国媒体报道,该州出租车公司Yo Transportation老板查理·布林顿拒绝搭载戴口罩或者接种过新冠疫苗的乘客。
据美国密苏里州当地电视台KMOV报道,该州出租车公司Yo Transportation老板查理·布林顿拒绝搭载戴口罩或者接种过新冠疫苗的乘客。布林顿说,根据他的研究,他认为口罩就是“细菌捕捉器”。 A taxi company in St. Louis, Missouri, is turning away customers vaccinated against COVID-19 and barred the use of face masks inside his cars.密苏里州圣路易斯市的一家出租车公司拒载接种新冠疫苗的乘客,并禁止乘客在车内戴口罩。 "We don't allow any type of masks in our vehicles," Charlie Bullington, the owner of Yo Transportation, told KMOV. "The second one is we are very against the vaccine and don't allow people in our vehicle that did get the vaccine."Yo Transportation出租车公司的老板查理·布林顿告诉KMOV电视台:“我们的车内禁止出现任何类型的口罩。其次,我们非常反对疫苗,禁止接种过疫苗的人搭乘我们的车。” Bullington's decision came after he read websites touting baseless conspiracy theories that the vaccine is not safe and that face masks are not effective and spread "germs," the outlet reported.据该媒体报道,布林顿做出这一决定是因为他看到一些网站鼓吹疫苗不安全、口罩无效并传播“病菌”的毫无根据的阴谋论。