China Daily
Devised by a Tokyo hair salon during the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the ‘Silent Cut’ service is becoming increasingly popular in Japan.在新冠疫情期间,日本东京一家美发沙龙为防止病毒传播而推出“无声理发”服务,该服务正在日本流行起来。
As a way of curbing the spread of the coronavirus during the Covid-19 pandemic, authorities in Japan started promoting “no conversation” or “less conversation” policies in schools, shops and supermarkets. Less talking meant fewer risks of spreading the virus via saliva droplets. One Tokyo salon decided to implement the ‘silent cut’ service and it proved so popular that others quickly followed suit.出于疫情防控原因,日本政府呼吁人们在学校、商店和超市“不交谈”或“少交谈”。减少交谈意味着降低飞沫传播病毒的风险。东京一家理发店决定推出“无声理发”服务,事实证明,这项服务非常受欢迎,于是其他沙龙纷纷效仿。
“It’s great…! I’ve been waiting for this service for 20 years. Because chatting is so depressing, I only get a haircut every 3 years,” one person wrote about the silent cut service.有人评价无声理发服务称:“太棒了……!我已经等了20年了。因为聊天太压抑了,我每3年才剪一次头发。”
“I’m saved because the conversation with the hairdresser is troublesome,” someone else commented.还有人称:“我得救了,因为和理发师聊天很烦。”
A recent survey revealed that over 70 percent of respondents preferred the silent experience, with the most common explanations being that they found it more relaxing, as they were able to rest instead of spending what little energy they had left on hearing unwanted information and making small talk.一项最新调查显示,超过70%的受访者更喜欢这种安静服务的体验,主要原因是他们认为这样理发时可以放松休息,而不用听不想听的信息或花精力闲聊。
As it turns out, hairstylists prefer the silent cut as well, with many claiming that they were taught to chat up clients in their apprenticeship.事实证明,发型师也更喜欢无声的服务,许多发型师表示,他们在学徒期间需要学习如何与客人搭讪。
来源:Oddity Central编辑:董静