China Daily
Chinese banks and insurers have ramped up financial support for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and self-employed individuals as they have been facing a significant increase in difficulties since the beginning of this year.由于今年年初以来,我国小微企业和个体工商户受到较大冲击,银行和保险机构加大了对其金融支持力度。
To help market entities tide over tough times, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd, the country's largest State-owned commercial lender by assets, saw its outstanding balance of inclusive loans rise 43 percent year-on-year at the end of the first quarter.为了帮助市场实体度过难关,中国工商银行一季度末普惠贷款余额同比增长43%。
First-time borrowers accounted for about 40 percent of the bank's new MSE clients in the first quarter. The comprehensive financing cost of MSEs at the bank fell 60 basis points from the previous year, said Liao Lin, vice-chairman and president at ICBC, at a news conference on May 19.一季度小微企业新增客户中首贷户占比约40%。中国工商银行副董事长兼行长廖林在5月19日的新闻发布会上表示,全行小微企业综合融资成本较上年下降了60个基点。
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic first hit in Wuhan, Hubei province, ICBC has deferred repayments on principal and interest, which involves a loan principal of more than 400 billion yuan ($59.77 billion) for 265,000 MSEs. Since the beginning of this year, the bank has deferred repayments on the principal of 68.2 billion yuan for 31,000 MSEs.自湖北省武汉市首次发生疫情以来,中国工商银行已累计为26.5万户普惠型小微企业办理延期还本付息,涉及贷款本金超4000亿元。今年以来,已经为3.1万户办理延期还本付息682亿元。
"We used digital technologies to enhance our capabilities to serve small businesses and ensure that our funds will arrive at MSEs directly and precisely," Liao said.廖林说:“工行通过数字提能确保资金精准直达小微企业。”
"With the help of data and credit of core enterprises in supply chains, our bank granted unsecured loans to upstream and downstream MSEs to help them lower financing costs and improve the utilization efficiency of funds … So far, we have adopted digital solutions that offer financing for over 2,300 supply chains in a number of industries including agriculture, healthcare and logistics," he said.廖林表示:“借力供应链核心企业数据和信用,我行向上下游小微企业发放信用贷款,帮助降低融资成本,提高资金使用效率……目前已落地农业、医疗、物流等行业数字供应链2300余条。”
China CITIC Bank Corp Ltd, a national joint-stock commercial lender, also launched a suite of digital loan products in accordance with the characteristics of MSEs, using big data analytics in supply chains to evaluate the performance and creditworthiness of small businesses, said Fang Heying, vice-chairman and president of the bank.中信银行副董事长兼行长方合英表示,中信银行打造了一套契合小微企业特点的数字化产品体系。利用供应链中的大数据分析来评估小企业的信用业绩。
For upstream manufacturing MSEs, China CITIC Bank made decisions on whether to grant a credit line to a company based on its order and historical contract fulfillment data. For downstream sales MSEs, it developed an unsecured loan product based on real transaction scenarios and transaction data of a company. For sci-tech companies, it provided another type of unsecured loan through analyzing big data to assess a company's technological advantages and innovation capacity.针对处在供应链上游的生产型小微企业,中信银行依据企业的订单数据和历史履约数据给予授信。针对供应链下游销售型小微企业,该行依托企业真实的贸易场景和交易数据发放信用贷款。面向科创类企业,中信银行基于企业的技术优势、创新能力等大数据模型,推出自动审批的信用贷产品。
Allowing small businesses to apply for these loans online without collateral, the bank can complete the process of loan approvals and issuances very efficiently via a smart risk management platform, Fang said at the news conference.方合英在新闻发布会上表示,中信银行允许小微企业通过线上化服务渠道申请信用贷款,通过智能化风控平台高效地完成贷款审批和发放流程。
As of the end of the first quarter, the outstanding balance of inclusive loans at China CITIC Bank reached nearly 400 billion yuan, up 32.1 billion yuan from the beginning of this year. The number of first-time borrowers increased by 2,439 in the first three months, accounting for nearly 20 percent of its new MSE borrowers that were granted loans.截至一季度末,中信银行普惠金融贷款余额近4000亿元,比年初增长321亿元,小微企业新增首贷户2439户,占新投放贷款客户近20%。