红色旅游实力“圈粉” 越来越多中国青年到革命老区打卡
China Daily
去革命旧址、纪念馆、烈士陵园重温入党誓词,学习党的历史,回望曾经的峥嵘岁月,感受革命的艰辛壮阔……随着“七一”临近,红色旅游迎来客流高峰,到革命老区“打卡”也成为了不少年轻人的选择。 Recognized as one of the most important revolutionary bases in China, Yan'an, in Shaanxi province, has been one of the beneficiaries of an emerging Red tourism trend. Figures from Yan'an's bureau of culture and tourism show it received over 73 million visitors in 2019, who brought revenue of 49.5 billion yuan ($7.7 billion) to the city. Four years earlier it had 40.2 million visitors and earned 22.8 billion yuan from them.作为中国最重要的革命根据地之一,陕西延安一直是新兴红色旅游热潮的受益者。延安市文化和旅游局数据显示,2019年,该市接待游客超7300万人次,带来收入495亿元。四年前,延安接待游客4020万人次,旅游收入228亿元。 The city's Red tourism market boomed during the five-day May Day holiday this year, when it received 1.6 million visitors and recorded nearly 1.5 billion yuan in revenue.今年“五一”长假期间,延安市红色旅游市场蓬勃发展,共接待游客160万人次,收入近15亿元。 Yan'an is home to 445 memorial sites, accounting for 72 percent of Shaanxi's Red tourism resources.延安有445处革命纪念地,占陕西省红色旅游资源的72%。More Related News