研究:想要中年不发福 多吃全谷物是关键
China Daily
想要躲过中年发福的魔咒,并不是绝无可能的。新研究发现,只要多吃全谷物食品,多吃坚果、鸡肉、海鲜和酸奶,就可以帮助你在中年保持身材,还能降低你的血糖和血压水平。 Eating porridge in later life can help you avoid the dreaded middle-aged spread, according to a new study. Researchers from Tufts University in Boston monitored 3,000 people in their mid-50s and found that those who ate three servings of wholegrains a day had waist sizes two inches less than those who didn't consume the same amount, as well as lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels.