China Daily
In March, police forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland recorded nearly 33,000 incidents of shoplifting according to data analysed by the BBC.That is a significant 30.9% increase compared with March last year.根据BBC数据显示,3月份,英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰警方记录了近3.3万起商店盗窃案件,同比增涨30.9%。
Photos circulating on social media have shown the range of anti-shoplifting measures being taken at different supermarkets. One user posted a picture of steaks enclosed in security devices at a Co-op store. "They're packaging steaks like they're gold bars," they wrote.社交媒体上流传的照片显示了不同超市采取的各种反扒措施。一位用户发布的照片显示,在连锁超市Co-op,牛排被锁在全装置,配文称:"他们把牛排包装得像金条一样。"
Another user posted a picture of "dummy" coffee jars on a shelf at Co-op, with customers told to ask at the counter if they want to buy the real thing.另一位用户发布的照片显示,Co-op的货架上摆放着"空"咖啡罐,顾客被告知如果他们想买,需要到柜台询问。
"Cost of living reaching new heights, my local Co-op is now a grocery show room," she wrote.A Co-op spokesperson told the BBC that these are not nationwide policies at their stores.这位用户写道:"生活成本已经飙升到新高度,我们这儿的Co-op现在是一个百货陈列室。"一位Co-op发言人告诉BBC,这些措施并未在全英所有的门店实施。
Separately, pictures have emerged of shelves at M&S with only three steaks on them.此外,玛莎百货的货架上出现了只有三块牛排的照片。
Writing on Twitter, one user, Lorraine King, said she was "shocked" at the sight of the near-empty shelves. She said a worker told her the move was deliberate, as otherwise "thieves clear the shelves in one swoop and do a runner".推特用户洛林·金写道,看到几乎空无一物的货架时她感到"震惊"。她说,一名员工告诉她,这是为防止"小偷将货架一扫而空"。
A M&S spokesperson told the BBC that the company does not have a policy to restrict the number of products on sale. "If an individual store has a problem with theft, then it may introduce their own measures," the spokesperson said. 玛莎百货发言人告诉BBC,公司没有限制销售产品数量的政策。该发言人称,“如果个别商店存在盗窃问题,那么可能会自行采取措施”。
Meanwhile, cheese at an Aldi store has been fitted with security tags. 此外,连锁超市奥乐齐也给奶酪装上防盗签。
Recently Sainsbury's faced a backlash after introducing barriers at some of its self-checkout tills, which force shoppers to scan their receipts before being allowed to leave. The supermarket believes this will deter thieves.最近,森斯伯瑞超市在其部分自助收银台设置障碍门,迫使购物者必须扫描收据方可离开。该超市认为这样可以震慑小偷。此举遭到强烈反对。
One social media user said the gates were "because they don't trust people who use the self-service tills".一位社交媒体用户说,这些门是"因为他们不信任使用自助收银机的人"。