China Daily
Most Black Americans believe racism in the United States will get worse during their lifetime, according to a new poll.一项新民意调查显示,大多数美国黑人认为,美国的种族主义在他们有生之年会变得更糟。
A Washington Post-Ipsos poll released Friday showed that 51 percent of Black respondents said they expect racism will get worse, while 37 percent said they expect it will stay about the same. Only 11 percent said it will get better.美国《华盛顿邮报》与民意调查机构益普索集团16日发布的一项民意调查显示,51%的黑人受访者表示,他们认为美国的种族主义会变得更糟,37%的人表示,他们认为美国的种族主义会保持不变。只有11%的人表示情况会好转。
Almost 40 percent each of all respondents said they expect racism to get worse and they expect it to remain about the same. About a fifth said they expect it to improve.近40%的受访者表示,他们预计种族主义会变得更糟,而且会保持不变。大约五分之一的人表示,他们预计情况会有所改善。
Nearly 70 percent of Black Americans said now is a more dangerous time to be a Black teenager than when they were teens, including almost 80 percent of those 50 to 64 and 65 and older. Almost 60 percent of Black adults said they are very or somewhat worried they or someone they love will be attacked because they are Black.近70%的美国黑人(其中近80%为50岁至64岁、65岁及以上的人)表示,现在黑人青少年的处境比他们青少年时期更危险。近60%的黑人成年人表示,他们非常或有点担心自己或自己爱的人会因为自己是黑人而受到攻击。
Pollsters also found that the expected level of trust between Black and white Americans seems to be low. Eight in 10 Black respondents said they believe white people trust Black people not too much or not at all, while only 17 percent said they believe they trust Black individuals a great deal or good amount.民调还发现,美国黑人和白人之间的预期信任水平似乎很低。80%的黑人受访者表示,他们认为白人不太信任黑人,或者根本不信任黑人,而只有17%的人表示,他们非常信任黑人。
White and Black respondents overwhelmingly agreed that Black people do not trust white people much or at all, with 78 percent of Black respondents and 70 percent of white respondents saying so.绝大多数白人和黑人受访者都认为黑人不太信任白人,78%的黑人受访者和70%的白人受访者都这么认为。
The poll was conducted from April 28 to May 12 among 1,225 non-Hispanic Black adults and a partially overlapping sample of 1,018 U.S. adults. The margin of error was 3.5 percentage points for Black adults and 3 points for all U.S. adults.该民意调查于4月28日至5月12日进行。受访者包括1225名非西班牙裔黑人成年人以及1018名美国成年人,两组受访者样本部分重叠。黑人成年人样本的误差幅度为3.5个百分点,所有美国成年人样本的误差幅度为3个百分点。