民调显示美国社会悲观情绪弥漫 78%民众不相信下一代生活会更好
China Daily
A majority of Americans polled showed pervasive pessimism about the U.S.’s current financial state — and growing skepticism that things will improve in the future.大多数接受调查的美国人对美国目前的经济状况表现出普遍的悲观情绪,而且越来越不相信情况会在未来会得到改善。
Four in five people surveyed in a new Wall Street Journal-NORC Poll said the economy is doing “not so good” or “poor.” Nearly half, according to the Wall Street Journal, expect it will get worse in the next year.美国《华尔街日报》和全国民意研究中心最新发布的民意调查显示,八成受访者表示目前的经济状况“不太好”或“糟糕”。据《华尔街日报》报道,近一半的受访者预计明年情况会变得更糟。
Most of these answers, the WSJ wrote, were recorded even before the second-largest bank collapse in U.S. history. NORC, a nonpartisan research organization at the University of Chicago, asked 1,019 adults from March 1 to 13. About 4 in 10 of them said health care and housing costs were big worries. Two-thirds of those polled cited inflation as a major concern as well.《华尔街日报》称,大部分调查结果采集于硅谷银行破产前。芝加哥大学全国民意研究中心在3月1日至13日调查了1019名成年人。其中约四成受访者表示,医疗和住房成本最令人头疼。三分之二的受访者认为通货膨胀也是一个主要问题。
Kristy Morrow, 37, said she’s concerned her children will be worse off because deep divisions in America have left people unable to fix the country’s problems.37岁的克里斯蒂·莫罗说,她担心下一代会更糟,因为美国社会根深蒂固的分歧使国家面临的问题无法得到解决。
More than half of respondents said it wouldn’t be easy to find another job with comparable pay and benefits. That was the highest level since 2010, according to NORC’s General Social Survey.超半数受访者表示,要找到另一份薪酬和福利不错的工作并不容易。根据全国民意研究中心的综合社会调查,这是自2010年以来的最高水平。
Inflation remains high, running in February at nearly triple the rate recorded in the year before the pandemic began. To combat price increases and cool the economy, the Federal Reserve has raised its benchmark interest rate to the highest level since 2007, putting pressure on consumers and businesses.通货膨胀率仍然很高,2月份的通胀率几乎是疫情开始前一年的三倍。为了对抗物价上涨和为经济降温,美联储已将基准利率提高到2007年以来的最高水平,这给消费者和企业带来了压力。
A plurality of respondents, 44%, said their finances are in worse condition than they expected for this stage in life, and more than a third said they are not at all satisfied with how they are getting along financially. Fewer than 3 in 10 agreed that people like them and their family have a good chance of improving their standard of living.44%的受访者表示,在人生的这个阶段,他们的财务状况比预期的要糟糕,超过三分之一的人对自己的财务状况非常不满意。不到30%的人认为像他们这样的人以及他们的家人有机会改善生活水平。
For more than three decades, NORC has asked Americans whether life for their children’s generation will be better than it has been for their own using its General Social Survey. This year 78% said they don’t feel confident that is the case, the highest share since the survey began asking the question every few years in 1990. 三十多年来,全国民意研究中心的综合社会调查持续开展,询问美国人是否认为他们的下一代生活会更好。今年,78%的人表示他们对此没有信心,这是自1990年该调查不定期开展以来的最高比例。
来源:华尔街日报,News Nation编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)