每日一词∣文化强国建设高峰论坛 Forum on Building up China's Cultural Strength
China Daily
首届文化强国建设高峰论坛6月7日在深圳开幕。本届论坛主题为“推进文化自信自强 促进文明交流互鉴”。
The first Forum on Building up China's Cultural Strength opened in Shenzhen on Wednesday afternoon.The forum is themed on "Towards Greater Cultural Confidence and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations."
Our Party has been committed to securing new successes in developing socialist culture. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party has attached great importance to cultural development in national governance, furthered understanding of rules about cultural development, and promoted cultural inheritance and development. Solid progress has been made in building China into a country with a strong socialist culture.