每日一词∣居家养老上门服务 at-home care services for the elderly
China Daily
近日,《居家养老上门服务基本规范》国家标准(GB/T 43153-2023)正式发布,这是我国针对居家养老上门服务发布的首个国家标准。根据该国家标准,居家养老服务内容包括基础照护、健康管理、精神慰藉、家庭生活环境适老化改造等7项服务。
China has released a national standard for at-home care services for the elderly, the first of its kind.The standard specifies seven at-home care services for the elderly, including basic care, health management, spiritual consolation, and renovating the living environment at home for the convenience of seniors, among others.
We will pursue a proactive national strategy in response to population aging, develop elderly care programs and services, and provide better services for elderly people who live alone. By doing so, we can ensure that basic elderly care is accessible to the entire elderly population.