新特别提款权货币篮子生效 人民币权重升至12.28%
China Daily
The enhanced standing of the renminbi as a key global reserve asset will further boost the Chinese currency's accelerated march toward playing a more central role in the international financial governance system, officials and experts said.政府官员和专家称,人民币作为主要国际储备资产地位的提高,将进一步推动人民币在国际金融治理体系中发挥更核心的作用。
Nevertheless, more reform and opening-up of China's financial markets are still necessary for the renminbi to become a well-acknowledged global currency like the US dollar and the euro, they added.不过,他们认为,要使人民币成为美元和欧元那样获得广泛认可的全球货币,中国金融市场仍需深化改革开放。
Taking effect on Monday, the International Monetary Fund has raised the weighting of the renminbi in the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Rights-an international reserve asset also known as the SDRs-by 1.36 percentage points to 12.28 percent.自8月1日起,国际货币基金组织(IMF)将人民币在特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子中的权重上调至12.28%,提高了1.36个百分点。特别提款权是一种国际储备资产。
The IMF made the decision for the weighting hike based on developments in global trade and financial markets from 2017 to 2021. After the weighting increase, the Chinese currency continues to hold the third-largest overall share within the SDR basket, behind the dollar and the euro but ahead of the Japanese yen and the British pound.IMF根据2017年至2021年全球贸易和金融市场的发展情况作出了该决定。在权重上调后,人民币在SDR篮子中的总体份额保持在第三位,仅次于美元和欧元,但高于日元和英镑。
As evidence of the hastened progress of the renminbi further integrating with the global financial governance system, experts said the weighting increase will help boost overseas holdings of renminbi-denominated assets and solidify market confidence in the currency.专家表示,人民币在SDR篮子中权重提升是人民币融入全球金融治理体系步伐进一步加快的证据,将有助于提升人民币资产的国际吸引力,提振市场对人民币的信心。
Zhang Liqing, director of the Center for International Finance Studies, which is part of the Central University of Finance and Economics, said the upgrade marks the latest progress in the internationalization of the currency.中央财经大学国际金融研究中心主任张礼卿表示,此次权重上调是人民币国际化的最新进展。
As an emerging international currency, the renminbi's roles in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency, have appeared in different degrees, though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro, Zhang said.张礼卿称,人民币作为一种新兴国际货币,尽管与美元、欧元等发达国家货币仍有不小的差距,但其充当国际性交易媒介、计值工具和价值储藏的情形在不同程度上已经出现。
The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in June, with a share of 2.17 percent, up from 2.15 percent a month earlier, according to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or SWIFT.环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)数据显示,6月人民币在全球支付货币排名中保持全球第五大最活跃货币的位置,占比2.17%,高于一个月前的2.15%。
As for the renminbi's function as a reserve currency, its share in global foreign exchange reserves has risen to 2.88 percent as of the first quarter, ranking fifth worldwide and marking the highest reading since the IMF began releasing the figures in 2016.在人民币储备货币功能方面,截至今年一季度,人民币在全球外汇储备中的占比为2.88%,全球排名第五。这是IMF自2016年开始发布数据以来的最高水平。