China Daily
Primary and middle school teachers in Beijing's public school system will be required to take part in rotation programs to further improve education equity and quality in the city.北京市公办中小学教师都将参加轮岗项目,促进教育优质均衡。
这里的rotation来自于动词rotate,表示“旋转;轮换、轮流”等意思,比如:The Earth rotates on its axis(地球绕着地轴旋转),rotate crops/crop rotation(农作物轮作), Rotating Presidency of UN Security Council(联合国安理会轮值主席国)等,在rotation program里,rotation主要强调“the act of different people doing the same job at different times”(在不同时间段由不同的人从事同一个岗位的工作),也就是我们这里说的“轮岗”。