China Daily
This is China's first guideline on education inspection and accountability which aims to ensure the country's educational laws, regulations, guidelines and policies can be properly implemented at the grassroots.这是我国首个教育督导问责指导意见,旨在确保我国的教育法规、指导意见和政策在基层能够妥善执行。
这里的accountability就是“问责”,也可以理解为“责任制”,《剑桥英语词典》的解释为“a situation in which someone is responsible for things that happen and can give a satisfactory reason for them”(有人能为发生的事情负责并给出一个令人满意的解释),这个词来源于accountable,常见的搭配是hold someone accountable(让某人承担责任),比如:He knew he would be held accountable for any flaws in the programming.(他知道自己要为程序中出现的所有失误负责)。