China Daily
The Palace Museum is becoming waste-free as the 720,000-square-meter structure has managed to reduce the number of trash bins to 110 sets in areas open to the public. It is a decrease from 310 sets logged in January 2020, when a zero-waste campaign was launched, said the museum.故宫博物院正在实现“零废弃”,这座72万平方米的建筑群自2020年1月项目开展以来,已将开放区的垃圾桶数量由310组减少到110组。
While protecting features of the six-century-old historical relic, the action also helps visitors and tourists get into the habit of creating less waste, said the museum.故宫博物院表示,在保护这座拥有600年历史的文物的同时,“故宫零废弃”项目也促使游客养成减少产生垃圾的习惯。
The museum also recycled more than 32,000 plastic bottles to make cultural and creative products between June 2021 and October 2023, equivalent to a reduction in carbon emission by 931 kilograms.故宫博物院还在2021年6月至2023年10月期间,累计回收使用废弃塑料瓶3.2万余只,开发文创产品,减少碳排放931千克。
By launching the campaign, the Palace Museum is taking a science-based and meticulous approach to waste. The target is to minimize the generation of waste that needs to be buried or burned and bring the amount of such waste infinitely close to zero, said the museum.“故宫零废弃”项目旨在采用科学精细的废弃物管理方式,持续追求“将填埋/焚烧处理方式的垃圾减少至无限趋近于零”目标。
So far, approximately 3,000 museum staff members, 40,000 tourist guides, and 21 million visitors have participated in the campaign.“故宫零废弃”项目开展以来,累计带动约3000位故宫工作人员、4万名导游、2100万人次游客加入行动中。