China Daily
You may wonder what exactly the professional athletes eat for breakfast to be able to perform impressive physical feats. 你可能会好奇,专业运动员每天早餐吃什么,才能完成那些引人瞩目的体能壮举。
The short answer: It depends. Brittany Dunn, a chef for the Philadelphia Eagles, has found that what professional athletes eat varies widely among athletes and the sports they play.简而言之,这要看具体情况来定。费城老鹰队的主厨布里塔尼·邓恩发现,专业运动员的早餐因人而异,不同体育项目的运动员饮食差异也很大。
"I have worked with an athlete who prefers two boiled eggs with peanut butter toast and a coffee, an athlete who prefers an acai bowl and sauteed veggies, and an athlete who orders two breakfast sandwiches and tater tots,” she told HuffPost.邓恩告诉《赫芬顿邮报》:“我合作过一位运动员,他早餐喜欢吃两个煮鸡蛋搭配花生酱吐司,喝一杯咖啡,还有一位运动员,早餐爱吃巴西莓果碗和清炒蔬菜,还有运动员早餐点了两份三明治和土豆丸子。”
“The contrasting characteristics of athlete breakfasts are heavily influenced by personal preferences and diets, the amount of time between eating and the following training session, body composition and sport,” she said.她表示:“运动员选择的早餐千差万别,是因为在很大程度上会受到个人喜好、饮食习惯、进食间隔时间、接下来的训练内容、身体结构和体育项目的影响。”