China Daily
China will continue stepping up domestic energy supplies and reserve capacity, with the ambition of having annual comprehensive energy production capacity exceed 4.6 billion metric tons of standard coal equivalent by 2025, an official said on Monday.
Ensuring energy security is always the primary task of energy work in China, a major global energy producer and consumer, Ren Jingdong, deputy director of the National Energy Administration, said on the sidelines of the ongoing 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
The government will further enhance a diversified domestic supply base with coal serving as both "the cornerstone" and also playing a supportive role in maintaining energy security while speeding up development of domestic oil and gas resources, Ren said. 任京东表示,政府将坚持立足国内多元供应保安全,充分发挥煤炭的“压舱石”作用和煤电的基础性调节性作用,,大力提升油气勘探开发力度。