China Daily
China's courier sector this year set a new record by handling more than 100 billion parcels as of Wednesday, ranking top in the world for the eighth consecutive year, the State Post Bureau said.国家邮政局表示,截至12月8日,我国快递业务量突破1000亿件,创历史新高,已连续8年稳居世界第一。
这里的courier指“a person or company that takes messages, letters, or parcels from one person or place to another”,即“快递员,信使,邮差;(邮递)快递公司”,比如:A courier just left a package for you on the porch.(快递员刚把一个包裹放在你门口了)。在表示“快递员”的时候,courier与deliveryman可以互相替换使用。此外,courier也可以用作动词,表示“发快递,邮寄,递送”,比如:I'll courier the relevant documents to you this afternoon.(我今天下午把文件快递给你)。
The sector contributed to the record-setting sales volume of online retail, farm products and cross-border e-commerce, along with industrial output.快递支撑实物商品网上零售额、农产品销售额、制造业产值和跨境电商销售额再创新高。
Courier services have reached almost all townships in China and are rapidly extending to villages, adding over 200,000 jobs each year.快递网点基本实现乡镇全覆盖,服务网络加速向村一级延伸,年新增就业保持在20万人以上。
Deliveries to and from rural areas expanded in 2021, reflecting the sector's growing role in facilitating economic circulation and rural vitalization. Every day, around 100 million parcels are sent to rural areas, as agricultural products are shipped out to urban households.现在全网每天有1亿件包裹送到农村,同时农特产品源源不断地出村进城,更加凸显快递业在畅通经济循环、助力乡村振兴方面的作用。