China Daily
The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on July 26, 2024, will take part on the River Seine, organizers announced on Monday, breaking the long-held Summer Games tradition of a stadium procession of athletes and officials.巴黎奥组委12月13日宣布,2024年7月26日举办的巴黎奥运会开幕式将在塞纳河上进行,这打破了长期以来夏季奥运会运动员和官方人员在体育场内行进入场的传统。
More than 160 boats filled with athletes and officials from more than 200 countries will sail almost 6km (4 miles) between the Pont d'Austerlitz and Pont d'Iena bridges in central Paris, with the closing ceremony scheduled to be held at the Trocadero, an expanse of gardens and fountains which overlooks the Eiffel Tower.来自200多个国家的运动员和官员将乘坐160余艘船在巴黎市中心奥斯特里茨桥和伊埃纳桥之间行驶近6公里。闭幕式将在特罗卡德罗举行,这里是能看到埃菲尔铁塔的一片喷泉花园。
“One billion people will watch the ceremony. We want them to feel the best of France. It will be a unique combination of a sport and cultural moment, with the entire city turned into a vast Olympic stadium.”“届时将有10亿观众收看开幕式。我们希望他们感受到法国最好的一面。这将是一次体育和文化的独特结合,整个城市将变成一个巨大的奥林匹克体育场。”
Paris 2024 organizers are expecting crowds of 600,000 people for what they call the largest-ever Olympic ceremony. Part of the public will be dispersed along the banks of the Seine in ticketed stands while the rest are able to take part for free.巴黎奥组委称这场奥运会开幕式有望成为有史以来规模最大的奥运盛事,预计将有60万人参加。塞纳河两岸分散了一些售票席位,而其他区域免费开放。
In an interview with AFP, Estanguet spoke of his "absolute pride" in having worked on this idea.埃斯坦盖在接受法新社采访时表示,他对这个创意“相当自豪”。
"For the first time in the history of the Games we're going to organize a procession of athletes bang in the middle of the city, on the Seine. We expect at least 600,000 people, that's to say 10 times more than in a stadium like the Stade de France for example. "“我们将在市中心塞纳河畔组织运动员入场游行,这在奥运会历史上是前所未有的。我们预计至少有60万现场观众,比法兰西体育场这样的场馆可容纳人数要多10倍。”
Competitions will also be staged in the heart of the city, including beach volleyball at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, and equestrian sports at the Chateau de Versaille. Mass participation cycling and running events will also be staged on the Olympic courses during Paris 2024.本届奥运会的比赛也将在市中心举行,包括在埃菲尔铁塔脚下举办的沙滩排球项目和凡尔赛宫的马术项目。巴黎奥运会期间,奥运场馆内也将举办民众参与的自行车和跑步活动。