China Daily
据路透社7月14日报道,东京西南部滨松市一家酒店出现聚集性疫情,7名员工新冠病毒检测结果呈阳性。由于该酒店正是巴西奥运代表团的下榻地,这也再度引发公众对奥运会期间疫情防控的担忧。 A COVID-19 cluster at a hotel where dozens of Brazilian Olympic team members are staying raised new concerns about infections at the Tokyo Games, as the host city recorded its highest number of new cases for six months.数十名巴西奥运代表团成员下榻的一家酒店内出现新冠肺炎聚集性疫情,与此同时主办城市东京的新增确诊病例数创下半年来新高,这让公众对东京奥运会期间的疫情形势感到担忧。 Just over a week before the opening ceremony, the spreading infections highlight the risks of staging the world’s biggest sports event during a pandemic even without spectators in sports venues.就在东京奥运会开幕式前一个多星期,疫情的扩散凸显了在新冠疫情期间举办这项全球规模最大的体育赛事的风险,即使在体育场馆没有观众的情况下也是如此。 巴西奥运代表团下榻酒店内多人感染