China Daily
1. 你的人生由你自己决定
No matter what your goals are in life, there is one great law that you need to obey in order to be successful: No one else is going to climb the ladder of success for you. No one else is responsible for your health, wealth, happiness, or success. From the day you leave your parents’ house and start to make your own choices, you are responsible for your life and the choices you make. You choose the job you work in, the person you live with, and how much you exercise every day. Only you can choose how you spend your time, and the decisions you make on a consistent basis will make or break your life.无论你的人生目标是什么,为了成功,你都必须遵守一条伟大的法则:没有人会替你爬上成功的阶梯。没有人对你的健康、财富、幸福或成功负责。从你离开父母家开始做出自己选择的那一天起,你就要对自己的生活和选择负责。你可以选择你的工作,和你一起生活的人,以及你每天锻炼的时间。只有你才能选择如何利用自己的时间,你持续做出的选择将决定你的生活。