China Daily
When Xu Shixiao went to work as usual in a furniture company in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, five years ago, she was surprised to get a call from her former coach, inquiring about her willingness to return to canoeing and compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Xu quickly made her decision.五年前,在江西南昌一家家具公司工作的徐诗晓,像往常一样上班时意外接到了前教练的电话,询问她是否有意愿重返皮划艇赛场,参加东京奥运会。很快,徐诗晓就做出了决定。
"I quit my job as a human resources manager, informed my family and went back to training three days later. There was not much time left for me to prepare for the Olympics," Xu recalls.她回忆说:“我辞掉人事经理的工作,告诉了家人我的决定,在三天后就开始重新训练。留给我备战奥运的时间不多了。”
On Aug 7, Xu and her partner, Sun Mengya, won gold in the first women's canoe double 500m event at the Tokyo Games. It was also the first Olympic gold medal for China in the event.8月7日,徐诗晓和搭档孙梦雅获得东京奥运会女子500米双人划艇金牌,这也是中国首次在该项目上获得奥运金牌。
Yet Xu's journey to the Olympics was bumpy-she faced lots of difficulties, such as her physical condition after years of retirement and her parents' opposition because they thought it was time for her to get married.徐诗晓的奥运之路并非一帆风顺,而是困难重重:退役多年,她的身体状况不及从前;因为觉得她到了结婚的年龄了,父母也不支持她重返赛场。
"It was really a hard decision for me to go back to being an athlete after four years of retirement," says Xu.徐诗晓说:“退役四年后再恢复运动员的身份对我来说是蛮难的。”
"I didn't want to regret not competing for a gold medal. I desired to be a champion. I had nothing to lose even if I failed."“我不想因为放弃争夺奥运金牌而后悔。我想当冠军。就算失败了,我也没什么可失去的。”
To catch the opportunity to go back to canoeing on the international level, Xu started her training-"as cruel as hell". She began her daily exercises early morning and ended at 10:30 pm.为了抓住在国际赛场上竞技划艇的机会,徐诗晓开始了地狱般的训练。她一大早就开始日常训练,一直练到晚上十点半。
Every day, she would set several detailed goals for her training, such as how high the heart rate should be when paddling a canoe and how long it should take her for 500-meter paddling.每天,她都会设定一些具体的训练目标,比如划桨的时候心率要控制在多高、划艇500米要在多长时间以内等等。
"Only when I reached all my daily goals, I would go ashore," Xu says.徐诗晓说:“每天只有达到设定的目标后,我才会上岸。”
It was a hot July in 2017 in Nanchang, where temperatures can reach 40 C in summer. Xu exposed herself to the scorching sun for hours every day, kneeling on her canoe. Her skin was sunburned. Blisters formed, crusted over, healed and broke out again. But her daily regimen was hardly affected.2017年7月,南昌天气炎热,温度直逼40℃。徐诗晓跪在皮划艇上,每天在大太阳下一练就是好几个小时。皮肤都被晒伤了,手上也起了水泡,结成皮痂,好了又破,反反复复。但她依旧每天都在坚持。
"At the beginning, it really hurt. When the pain reached a peak, I couldn't feel my arms and finally became numb," she adds.“最开始的时候,真的很疼。最疼的时候,我都感觉不到胳膊的存在了,最后就麻木了。”