China Daily
What are sports drinks? How are they different from energy drinks, and what ingredients do they each contain?什么是运动饮料?它们与能量饮料有何不同,两种饮料都含有哪些成分?
Dr. Leana Wen: It’s important to distinguish between sports drinks and energy drinks.温:区分运动饮料和能量饮料很重要。
Sports drinks are electrolyte-enhanced beverages. Their main purpose is to restore water and electrolytes that are lost during heavy exercise and sweating. They will contain electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Many are carbohydrate-based, with added sugars like fructose, glucose and sucrose. Sometimes they contain caffeine.运动饮料是电解质补充饮料。主要目的是补充在剧烈运动和出汗过程中流失的水分和电解质。运动饮料含有钠、钾、钙和镁等电解质,碳水化合物含量通常很高,添加了果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖等糖。有时含有咖啡因。
There are also energy drinks that are often, and unfortunately, confused with sports drinks. Energy drinks typically contain large amounts of caffeine. Many contain other legal stimulants like taurine, guarana and L-carnitine. These energy drinks could reduce fatigue and enhance performance in the short term. However, they are not sports drinks and should not be used when the purpose is to replenish electrolytes and fluids.人们常常把运动饮料和能量饮料混淆。能量饮料通常含有大量的咖啡因。许多含有其他合法兴奋剂,如牛磺酸、瓜拉纳和左旋肉碱。这些能量饮料可以在短期内缓解疲劳,有提神效果。然而,能量饮料不是运动饮料,如果仅仅为了补充电解质和水分时,不应饮用能量饮料。
Energy drinks can be dangerous when consumed in large quantities. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1,499 adolescents ages 12 to 17 went to the emergency room for an energy-drink related emergency in 2011. High amounts of caffeine can induce irregular and rapid heartbeats. Individuals may become anxious and develop sleeping problems. Those consuming energy drinks instead of sports drinks or water may become dehydrated. Also, although many ingredients in these energy drinks are marketed as being “natural,” they may be present in much larger quantities that people normally consume.大量饮用能量饮料可能产生危险。美国疾病控制和预防中心数据显示,2011年,1499名12至17岁的青少年因能量饮料相关紧急情况前往急诊室。大量的咖啡因会导致心律不齐和心跳加快。可能会导致焦虑并出现睡眠问题。用能量饮料代替运动饮料或水饮用,可能导致脱水。此外,尽管能量饮料中的许多成分被宣称是“天然”的,但它们的含量可能比人们平常的摄入量大得多。
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children and adolescents do not use energy drinks.美国儿科学会建议儿童和青少年不要饮用能量饮料。
CNN: Is it good to have caffeine in a sports drink, and how much is too much?美国有线电视新闻网:在运动饮料中加入咖啡因好吗?多少才算太多?
Wen: The primarily reason for using a sports drink is to replenish electrolytes and fluids. Caffeine does not have a role in replenishing electrolytes, and in fact is a diuretic that leads to more fluid being lost, so in general, I would advise to stay away from sports drinks that have caffeine.温:饮用运动饮料的主要原因是为了补充电解质和水分。咖啡因在补充电解质方面没有作用,事实上它是一种利尿剂,会导致更多的水分流失,所以总的来说,我建议远离含有咖啡因的运动饮料。
Some adult athletes may choose drinks with caffeine as an added boost to their performance. If so, they should be aware of the risk and of exactly how much they are using. Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase heart rate and have adverse effects on performance, too. It also has addictive potential. 一些成年运动员可能会选择含有咖啡因的饮料来提高状态。如果是这样的话,他们应该意识到风险以及他们到底饮用了多少。咖啡因是一种兴奋剂,可以提高心率,也会对人的状态产生不利影响,还可能导致成瘾性。