China Daily
Eliminating poverty is a challenge for all countries. China has made remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation, carrying forward the great tradition of working together and offering mutual support.消除贫困是所有国家面临的挑战。中国在扶贫方面取得了显著成就,发扬了同心协力、互帮互助的伟大传统。
It has accumulated valuable experience, which belongs to China and the rest of the world, and offers enlightenment to the international community in its battle to reduce poverty.中国在脱贫攻坚方面积累的宝贵经验是属于中国的,也是属于世界的,为国际社会在减贫斗争中提供了启示。
As a foreigner living in China since 2016, I have observed first hand the country’s rapid economic growth, and have learn a lot about alleviating poverty. Such a programme should be adopted by the world, especially Africa, where many countries are still underdeveloped.作为一名2016年开始在中国生活的外国人,我亲眼目睹了中国经济的快速增长,也学到了很多扶贫知识。中国的减贫方案应该被全世界效仿,特别是在还有很多欠发达国家的非洲。
Governments need to work together with local people. The development of a country is not the government’s duty alone; it’s also the duty of its citizens. As a concerned citizen of Zimbabwe, I want to contribute to poverty alleviation in my country, using the knowledge that I have gained in China.政府需要与当地人民齐心协力。一个国家的发展不仅仅是政府的职责;也是公民的责任。作为一个心系祖国的津巴布韦公民,我希望利用我在中国学到的知识,为津巴布韦的扶贫工作做出贡献。
I have decided to play my part in growing my country’s economy by starting my own business. Taking advantage of the fact that I live in China where the prices of materials are low, in 2020 I decided to start a brand for women’s shoes, which are produced in China, and which I sell both in my country and here in China.我决定自己创业,为祖国经济发展贡献力量。中国的材料价格较低,2020年我决定利用这一点开创一个女鞋品牌,产品在中国生产,在津巴布韦和中国销售。
I have been to the shoe factory, where I learn a lot. It is my desire to open a shoe factory in Zimbabwe in future, where my Chinese partners would come and teach us and help build a local industry for shoes.我去过鞋厂,在那里我学到了很多。我希望将来能在津巴布韦开一家鞋厂,我的中国合作伙伴会来津巴布韦指导我们,帮助建立当地鞋业。
Using the profits accumulated over time, I have been able to give back to the community, both in China and in my country.现在,我已经能够用积攒的利润回馈社会,回馈中国和我的祖国。
I founded a charity organization, Patience of Hope Foundation, that aims to pay school fees for underprivileged children in remote parts of Zimbabwe.我成立了一个“希望耐心基金会”慈善组织,旨在资助津巴布韦偏远地区的贫困儿童读书。