China Daily
'Spectacular' event shows that China has become a winter sports 'powerhouse', says IPC president. 国际残奥委会主席称,精彩的北京冬残奥会证明,中国已成为冬季运动“强国”。
After a warm closing ceremony and the extinguishing of the Paralympic flame in the main cauldron, the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games concluded on Sunday after giving testimony to how sports can bring the world together, while the Games have left legacies for the host nation and future Paralympics.在温情的闭幕式和主火炬熄灭后,北京2022年冬残奥会在3月13日闭幕,这场盛会见证了体育如何将世界团结在一起,北京冬残奥会为主办国和未来的残奥会留下了遗产。
"If Beijing 2008 started a new chapter of growth for the Paralympic Movement, then Beijing 2022 has marked a new dawn for the Paralympic Winter Games," International Paralympic Committee Andrew Parsons said at the closing ceremony.国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯在闭幕式上说:“如果说北京2008年残奥会开启了残奥运动发展的新篇章,那么北京2022年冬残奥会则标志着冬残奥会的新曙光。”
"You promised simple, safe and splendid. You delivered stunning, secure and spectacular. Awesome organization, vibrant venues and sensational sport-the hallmarks of great Games here in Beijing.“中国承诺了简单、安全、精彩,而最终呈现的是令人惊叹、安全可靠、精彩非凡的赛事。优秀的组织工作,充满活力的场馆和激动人心的比赛——这些是精彩的北京冬残奥会的标志。”
"For sure, China has set a benchmark for all future Winter Games. For certain, China is now a Paralympic winter sports powerhouse," Parsons added.帕森斯补充道:“毫无疑问,中国为未来的冬残奥会树立了标杆。毫无疑问,中国现在是残奥冬季运动强国。”
Topping the medal table with 18 gold, 20 silver and 23 bronze medals, Team China made major breakthroughs at the Beijing Winter Paralympics, presenting home fans with China's best-ever results in any Winter Paralympics.中国代表团在北京冬残奥会上实现了历史性跨越,以18枚金牌、20枚银牌和23枚铜牌位居奖牌榜首位,这是中国在冬残奥会历史上取得的最好成绩。
Among the 96 Chinese para athletes, 85 participated in the Winter Paralympics for the first time, and their average age is 25. Given the fact that China won its first Winter Paralympic gold medal at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Games, in wheelchair curling, the nation's surprising performance wowed the world.在96名中国残疾人运动员中,有85人首次参加冬残奥会,他们的平均年龄为25岁。在2018年平昌冬残奥会,中国在轮椅冰壶项目上获得了一枚金牌,这是中国历史上第一枚冬残奥会金牌,中国令人惊讶的表现震惊了世界。
According to Zhao Sujing, the secretary-general of the Chinese delegation, behind the fast improvement of Team China's performance is the development of China's Paralympic winter sports and the better environment for people with disabilities in China.据中国代表团秘书长赵素京介绍,中国队成绩快速提高的背后是中国残奥冬季运动的发展和中国残疾人更好的环境。
"We hope the great performance of the Chinese para athletes at the Beijing Winter Paralympics will encourage more people with disabilities to get out of their homes and embrace sports. And through sports, they can be better involved in our society," said Zhao.赵素京说:“希望中国残疾人运动员在北京冬残奥会上获得的荣誉和骄傲,能够激励更多残疾人走出家门,走进运动场,通过参与体育运动更好融入社会。”
In addition, "we will further promote the rehabilitation, education and employment of people with disabilities in our society who need to have more understanding, respect and care toward them", Zhao added.此外,赵素京还表示,“将进一步促进残疾人在社会中的康复、教育和就业,促进全社会更加理解、尊重、关心残疾人。”