商务部:服务贸易创新发展试点取得积极成效 超90%举措成功落地
China Daily
China will accelerate the design of a construction plan for national demonstration zones for innovative development of trade in services, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.商务部8月25日表示,将抓紧制定完善国家服务贸易创新发展示范区总体方案。
Shu Jueting, a spokeswoman with the ministry, said at a news conference the ministry will make joint efforts with other government departments concerned to implement the plan.商务部新闻发言人束珏婷在新闻发布会上表示,商务部将会同有关部门推进试点任务全面落地完成。
Two years ago, China started a three-year pilot program to promote innovative development of trade in services in 28 pilot areas. The areas include Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan province, Dalian in Liaoning province and Qingdao in Shandong province.2020年,28地获批成为全面深化服务贸易创新发展试点,期限为3年。这些地区包括北京、天津、上海、海南、辽宁大连和山东青岛。
Last year, China decided to upgrade some select pilot areas into demonstration zones for innovative development of trade in services.2021年,中国决定将其中一些试点地区升级为服务贸易创新发展示范区。
"We will steadily promote the fulfillment of the pilot tasks in an all-round way to accumulate more institutional innovations for innovatively developing trade in services, and to ensure the high-quality completion of pilot work," Shu said.束珏婷表示:“商务部将扎实推进试点任务全面落地完成,总结推广更多制度创新成果,确保试点工作高质量完成。”
Data from the ministry showed more than 90 percent of the 122 specific measures proposed in the pilot program have been implemented.商务部数据显示,试点总体方案提出的122项具体举措落地率超过90%。
Five adjustments to regulations in the pilot areas have been approved by the State Council, China's Cabinet. They involve expansion of market access in the sectors of tourism, commercial franchises, patent agency services, trade in technology and exhibitions. These new regulations have already started implementation to bring about some positive outcomes, Shu said.国务院批复同意在试点地区实施5项调法调规举措,涉及旅行、商业特许经营、专利代理服务、技术进出口、展会举办等市场开放,均已落地并取得初步成效。
The 28 pilot areas, she said, have achieved a great deal in institutional innovations like improving the management system, expanding opening-up to the outside world, enhancing facilitation of trade in services, innovating development models, and optimizing mechanisms and policy systems.束珏婷表示,28个试点地区在完善管理体制、扩大对外开放、提升便利水平、创新发展模式、健全促进机制、优化政策体系等方面探索出一批制度创新成果。
In all, 33 best practices originating from the pilot areas have been promoted to the rest of the nation, she said.33项“最佳实践案例”已在全国推广。
China has been stepping up efforts to develop its trade in services, which was valued at nearly 2.9 trillion yuan ($420 billion) during the first half, up 21.6 percent year-on-year, official data showed.官方数据显示,中国坚持大力推进服务贸易发展,上半年服务贸易总额接近2.9万亿元,同比增长21.6%。