China Daily
Don't Drink Certain Beverages不要饮用酒精、汽水、含咖啡因的饮料
"Alcohol, soda and caffeinated drinks should be avoided when you have a fever," says Pauline J. Jose, MD, a specialist in family medicine with pH Labs. "They can cause dehydration when we really need to hydrate most."“积极健康实验室”家庭医学专家波琳·J·约瑟博士表示:“发烧时应避免饮用酒精、汽水和含咖啡因的饮料。因为当身体需要大量水分时,这些饮料会导致脱水。”
Don't Overheat不要过分保暖
"Do not overdress or put yourself in a place that is too hot," says physician Dr. Dimitar Marinov. "This can disturb the thermoregulation of the body and make your fever worse."内科医生迪米特尔·马里诺夫称:“不要穿得太厚,也不要呆在太热的地方,这会扰乱身体的体温调节,让发烧更严重。”
Don't Double Up Your Medications不要加倍用药剂量
"Acetaminophen is generally an effective drug for treating fever, however, exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to serious damage to your liver and even death," says Marinov.马里诺夫称:“对乙酰氨基酚是一种有效的退烧药,然而,服用超过推荐剂量的对乙酰氨基酚会导致肝脏严重受损,甚至死亡。”
Don't Starve不要饿肚子
"Fever speeds up your metabolism and you need even more calories from food. Starving can literally cripple your immune system," says Marinov.马里诺夫称:“发烧会加速新陈代谢,你需要更多食物补充热量。饥饿会导致免疫力严重下降。”
Don't Forget To Drink Water不要忘记喝水
"A fever will increase the respiratory rate, and therefore water loss, and sweating increases in order to lower the body temperature," says Ralph E. Holsworth, director of clinical and scientific research with Essentia Water. "Moreover, water intake is commonly decreased during a fever, which will ultimately aggravate dehydration."Essentia Water临床和科学研究总监拉尔夫·E·霍尔斯沃思表示:“发烧会增加呼吸频率,从而导致身体水分流失,身体在调节体温时,出汗也会增多。此外,人们在发烧期间通常会减少水分摄入,这会加剧脱水。”