China Daily
Beijing unearthed about 5,000 pieces (sets) of cultural relics in 2021, Liu Hongchang, spokesperson of Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau, told a press conference.13日,北京市文物局发言人刘洪昌表示,2021年,北京市考古发掘项目120项、发掘面积11.6万平方米,出土文物约5000件(套)。
Four archaeological sites in Beijing -- Zhoukoudian site, Liulihe River site, Dabaotai Tomb of Han Dynasty and Dingling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty -- were selected among China's top 100 archaeology findings of the past century last year.周口店遗址、琉璃河遗址、大葆台汉墓、明定陵4处考古遗址入选中国“百年百大考古发现”。
Beijing has made progress in the application for its Central Axis to be included in the list of world cultural heritage sites."Our draft application text was submitted to the World Heritage Center for format review ahead of schedule," Liu said.
北京中轴线申遗取得进展。“申遗文本草案已提前报送世界遗产中心格式审查。” 刘洪昌说。
The first Beijing Public Archaeology Season was successfully held to create more public awareness of archaeology, Liu said.刘洪昌还介绍称,首届北京公众考古季成功举办,让更多人了解考古。
文物cultural relics
世界遗产中心World Heritage Center