China Daily
Inspired by Chinese jade ornaments, the official medals of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games made an impressive debut on Tuesday, 100 days from the start of the gala event.10月26日,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会官方奖牌于奥运会开幕倒计时100天之际精彩亮相,奖牌以中国玉饰品为灵感。
At 8:30 pm, when the countdown clock reached 100 days, Vice-Premier Han Zheng, together with China's first Winter Olympic gold medalist Yang Yang and Olympic champion swimmer Zhang Yufei, unveiled a set of gold, silver and bronze medals out of a showcase modeled as a pile of ice bricks, putting an international spotlight on the glittering metal discs that represent the ultimate dreams of winter sports athletes.当晚8点30分,当冬奥倒计时显示100天时,国务院副总理韩正与中国第一位冬奥会金牌获得者杨扬和奥运会游泳冠军张雨霏一起为奖牌揭幕,一套金银铜牌被置于冰砖样的陈列柜中,代表冬季运动运动员终极梦想的耀眼金牌让世界瞩目。
Inspired by the exquisite "yubi", an ancient Chinese jade artifact dating back some 5,000 years, each medal features carvings of the Olympic rings at its heart on the front with the words "XXIV Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022" etched around them. Engravings of cloud patterns, an element used on the torch of the 2008 Summer Games, snowflakes and ice scratches fill the outer rings.奖牌的灵感来源于精美的“玉璧”,距今约5000年的中国古代玉器。奖牌正面中心刻有奥林匹克五环,周围刻着“第二十四届北京2022年冬奥会”的英文全称。奖牌上镌刻祥云纹,外环刻有冰雪纹。2008年夏季奥运会火炬也使用了祥云纹元素。