China Daily
How much do animals think about their blood types? Presumably never, given what we know about animal cognition. But we humans do think about our animals, because sometimes animals receive blood transfusions too, and we want to make sure the blood we're giving a ferret or dog or parakeet doesn't cause a blood incompatibility reaction. 动物们会在意自己的血型吗?根据我们目前对动物认知能力的了解,它们应该不会在意。不过人类会在意,因为有时动物也会生病,也会需要输血。我们希望给猫咪、狗狗或鹦鹉输血时不会产生血液不相容的反应。
That's a negative reaction causing the recipient's immune system to attack foreign blood, producing antibodies against the red blood cell proteins, or antigens, in the donated blood. Although all animals have blood groups, every species has a different system, and we know the most about the systems of domesticated mammals.血液不相容反应是一种不良反应,会导致受体的免疫系统攻击外来血液,在捐献的血液中产生针对红细胞蛋白或抗原的抗体。虽然所有的动物都有血型,但每个物种血型系统不同,截止现在,我们对家养哺乳动物血型系统了解的最多。
The human blood group system is based on three different antigens: A, B, and O. The possible blood types we could have are A, B, AB and O, and each one of these can be either Rh positive or negative. Type O negative blood is generally considered to be universally accepted by any other blood type, and type AB positive can receive any other type.人类血型系统基于三种不同的抗原:A、B和O。我们可能拥有的血型是A型、B型、AB型和O型,其中每一种都可能是Rh阳性或阴性。Rh阴性O型血液通常被认为可以给其他任何血型输血,Rh阳性AB型血液可以接受任何其他血型血液。