China Daily
The reasons skiers and snowboarders don goggles or glasses might seem a little obvious, especially if you’ve ever hit the slopes yourself. Sunlight reflected off the snow can make it hard to see, and UV rays can even damage your eyesight. Special colored lenses also create contrast, so your whole path won’t look like one flat expanse of whiteness. Not to mention that eyewear shields your eyes from any snow you displace (or that the wind blows into your face).
Olympic speed skaters, meanwhile, are racing inside on smooth ice. So why do they wear glasses?
According to NBC Olympics, glasses can increase visibility on indoor tracks, too, and some skaters’ lenses are tinted to help with that. And while the ice may look smooth from a distance, those sharp blades can kick up ice chips that could pose problems if they end up in your eyes. In the event of a crash, shatter-proof glasses also protect skaters’ eyes from errant blades and body parts.