China Daily
Did you know that if your TV, computer and other appliances are plugged in, they are quietly draining electricity - all day, every day - even when they are turned off? Electric power consumed by products when they are switched off or in a standby mode is known as standby power (sometimes called vampire power or phantom power).
Standby power refers to the way electric power is consumed by electronic and electrical appliances while they are switched off or in standby mode.
待机能耗英文是standby power(待机能耗)。可以翻译成vampire power(电力吸血鬼)、phantom load(幻影负荷)或ghost load(幽灵负荷)。
This only occurs because some devices claimed to be "switched off" on the electronic interface, but are in a different state from switching off at the plug, or disconnecting from the power point, which can solve the problem of standby power completely.