China Daily
英国埃塞克斯大学的研究人员做了一项研究,试图找出全球最无聊的职业和爱好。这项研究由该大学心理学系高级讲师维南德·范·蒂尔伯格博士领导,对全球 500 多人进行了5项调查,结果发现最无聊的职业包括数据分析、会计、保洁和银行职员等,而睡觉、看电视、数学等都是排名靠前的最无聊爱好。
Finance was overwhelmingly tagged as the world's most boring industry, with finance-associated positions occupying four of the top five slots on the "most boring" list. 金融业力压其他行业,成为世界上最无聊的行业,金融业相关工作占据了“最无聊工作”榜单前五位中的四位。
Tilburg said that stereotypically "boring people" are generally disliked, and often avoided by the people around them — largely due to unfair preconceived notions.蒂尔伯格称,刻板印象中“无聊的人”通常是不受欢迎的,周围的人往往会躲着他们,这主要是由于不公平的先入为主的观念造成的。
Your perceptions of people can certainly change over time, but folks dubbed as "boring" don't often get a chance to prove the stereotypes wrong, Tilburg said. "The very fact that people choose to avoid them can lead to social ostracization and increase loneliness, leading to a really negative impact on their lives," he said.蒂尔伯格说,我们对人的看法肯定会随着时间的推移而改变,但被认为“无聊”的人往往没有机会证明这些刻板印象是错误的。他说:“人们选择避开无聊的人,这一事实可能会导致他们遭到社会排斥,孤独感增加,对他们的生活造成真正的负面影响。”
Tilburg said he launched the study to explore stigmas around boredom, and how it can impact the way humans perceive each other: "The irony is studying boredom is actually very interesting and has many real-life impacts."蒂尔伯格说,他发起这项研究是为了研究无聊带来的耻辱感,以及它如何影响人类对彼此的认知:“讽刺的是,研究无聊其实非常有趣,并对现实生活产生了许多影响。”
Here are the results of the study:以下是研究结果:
Top 5 most boring jobs最无聊的5个职业
Data analysis数据分析Accounting会计Tax/insurance work税务/保险工作Cleaning保洁Banking银行业
Top 5 most exciting jobs最有趣的5个职业
Performing arts表演艺术Science科学Journalism新闻Health professional健康专家Teaching教学
Top 5 most boring hobbies最无聊的5个爱好