China Daily
7月31日,东京奥运会田径男子800米小组赛上,一个身影在起跑不久被绊倒后,又立马起身追赶,坚持跑完赛程的他在抵达终点后掩面哭泣。 这位名叫詹姆斯·奇恩杰克(James Nyang Chiengjiek)的跑者,来自南苏丹,是本次东京奥运会中国际奥委会难民代表队(IOC Refugee Olympic Team)29名成员之一。 There was devastation for IOC Refugee Olympic Team runner James Nyang Chiengjiek , who finished last in his men's 800m heat after an early fall. 国际奥委会难民代表队选手詹姆斯·奇恩杰克在男子800米小组赛中起跑时跌倒,获得最后一名。 Just after the start of the race, the South Sudanese refugee accidentally clipped another athlete's foot and tumbled to the ground. But Chiengjiek showed the spirit of a champion to get back up and finish the race.比赛刚开始,这名南苏丹选手就意外绊到了另一名运动员的脚,摔倒在地。但奇恩杰克表现出了冠军的精神,重新站起来完成比赛。