![九部门发文 事关学前教育和县域高中教育发展](http://img2.chinadaily.com.cn/images/202112/17/61bc2109a310cdd3d821758d.jpeg)
九部门发文 事关学前教育和县域高中教育发展
China Daily
The gross enrollment ratio of preschools — which covers the first three years of schooling before elementary school — is expected to exceed 90 percent, while over 85 percent of kindergartens will become more affordable by 2025, with more than half preschoolers attending government-subsidized kindergartens, the plan said.“学前提升计划”提出,到2025年,全国学前三年毛入园率达到90%以上,普惠性幼儿园覆盖率达到85%以上,公办园在园幼儿占比达到50%以上。
这里的“毛入学率”(gross enrollment ratio)指该学段的学生总数在对应的适龄人口中的占比,而与其相对的“净入学率”(net enrollment ratio)则是指该学段适龄的学生总数在对应的适龄人口中的占比。举个例子,假设学前教育学段的适龄人口限定为4到6岁,但是很多幼儿园也会招收4岁以下的儿童,因此,幼儿园的毛入学率就是所有幼儿园儿童总数在全国4到6岁人口中的占比,而幼儿园的净入学率则是所有幼儿园中4到6岁儿童总数在全国4到6岁人口中的占比。
A new batch of government-subsidized kindergartens will be built in villages, urban areas with concentrated populations, and former poverty-stricken areas. 新建改扩建一批公办幼儿园,支持人口集中流入地、农村地区和原集中连片特困地区县等地区普及学前教育。
Local authorities are urged to estimate enrollment needs every year to better make plans, it said.优化普惠性资源布局,逐年做好入园需求测算。
Local authorities are urged to build more government-subsidized kindergartens run by public institutions, communities and SOEs and facilitate private kindergartens to provide affordable preschool education for families with financial difficulties.鼓励支持政府机关、国有企事业单位、街道等举办公办幼儿园,积极扶持民办园提供普惠性服务。
Salaries, benefits and teaching materials for kindergarten teachers will also be improved, it added, and kindergartens should strengthen school security and regulations.落实幼儿园教师工资待遇保障,加强幼儿园安全及规范管理。