China Daily
Hunger is complicated and can have many different triggers, said Dr. Monique Tello, a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School, practicing physician and director of research and academic affairs for the healthy lifestyle program at Massachusetts General Hospital.哈佛医学院临床讲师、执业医师、马萨诸塞州总医院健康生活方式项目研究和学术事务主任莫妮克·泰洛博士说,饥饿感的产生很复杂,可能有许多不同的诱因。
Medical reasons:健康因素:
First, it’s important to rule out any medical issues. Anybody who is feeling very hungry all of the time and isn’t able to gain weight or is losing weight should see a doctor, Tello said.首先,排除健康问题,这点很重要。泰洛说,如果一直感到非常饥饿,体重未增加或正在减轻,就应该去看医生。
Conditions that could cause constant or excessive hunger, also called polyphagia, include:可能导致持续或过度饥饿的情况(也称为多食症)包括:
Hyperthyroidism: When the thyroid is overactive, a person’s body and metabolism are “all revved up,” Tello noted. Besides being hungry, patients feel jittery, shaky and their heart may be racing.甲状腺功能亢进症:泰洛指出,当甲状腺过度活跃时,人体新陈代谢“加速”。除了饥饿,患者还会感到焦虑、颤抖,心跳可能会加快。
Diabetes: People with type 1 diabetes lose the ability to make insulin so their body can’t process sugar. “They’re usually telling me: I’m eating and eating, I’m losing weight and I feel terrible,” Tello said. 糖尿病:1型糖尿病患者缺乏合成胰岛素的能力,因此身体无法分解糖分。泰洛表示,“很多患者告诉我,他们不停地吃东西,但是却在掉秤,感觉很糟糕”。
Damage to the hypothalamus: This part of the brain helps regulate feelings of appetite and satiety. If it’s damaged because of a tumor or head trauma, it can cause uncontrollable hunger and hypothalamic obesity.下丘脑损伤:下丘脑帮助调节食欲和产生饱腹感。如果下丘脑因肿瘤或头部创伤而受损,可能会导致无法控制的饥饿感和下丘脑性肥胖。
Psychological reasons:心理因素:
If there isn’t an underlying medical issue, the problem could be in the head.如果没有生理问题,那么问题可能出在心理上。
It’s reasonable to be hungry every three to five hours given how the human digestive system works. But ever-present food marketing on TV and the constant stream of “food porn” on social media can trigger people to eat often and a lot.考虑到人体消化系统的工作机制,每三到五个小时饿一次是合理的。但电视上不断出现的食品广告和社交媒体上的美食诱惑会促使人们经常大快朵颐。