中企“小而美”项目助力非洲乡村基建发展 获非洲专家点赞
China Daily
A shift toward "small and beautiful" projects under the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative has been welcomed by African experts who say it will help the continent develop infrastructure in remote areas that have long been neglected.在“一带一路”倡议下,中国向打造“小而美”项目的转型受到非洲专家好评。他们表示,这些项目将推动长期被忽视的非洲偏远地区的基础设施建设发展。
The greater attention on smaller projects comes as China promotes the benefits of China-Africa public-private partnerships, centered on models such as build-operate-transfer and build-own-operate-transfer. In this way, more infrastructure can be built without increasing public debt.随着中国越来越以建设-经营-转让和建设-拥有-经营-转让等模式为中心,来促进中非公私伙伴关系的利益,小型项目越来越受关注。通过这种形式,可以在不增加公共债务的情况下建设更多的基础设施。
According to the African Development Bank, Africa has an infrastructure-financing gap running at about $100 billion a year, and experts say countries will have to attract private financing to complement public resources for the gap to be bridged.据非洲开发银行介绍,非洲基础设施融资缺口每年约为1000亿美元。专家表示,为扩充公共资源,弥补资金缺口,非洲各国将不得不吸引民间融资。
As opposed to megaprojects, smaller ventures are less risky and easier to finance and manage.与大型项目不同,小型项目风险较小,更易于融资和管理。
Gitahi Ngunyi, a communications consultant and member of the Communist Party of Kenya, said prioritizing small projects will accelerate the pace of industrialization in Africa.肯尼亚共产党成员、咨询顾问吉塔希·恩古尼表示,将小型项目作为优先项目将加快非洲工业化的步伐。
"Africa faces the twin problem of lack of capital and technology for increased production," he said. "The small and beautiful concept plugs the twin problem by providing Africa with capital for rural development and the requisite technical expertise."他说:“非洲在扩大生产上面临着缺乏资金和技术的双重难题。‘小而美’的概念为非洲偏远地区发展提供资金和必要的专业技术,解决了上述问题。”
Ngunyi said the economies of most African nations are based on agriculture and more infrastructure is required to modernize production.恩古尼说,大多数非洲国家经济主要依靠农业,需要更多的基础设施来实现生产现代化。
"In such areas, small infrastructure projects such as small hydro, or small solar power generation plants, or small irrigation dams have the capacity to increase production in small communities and therefore transform the quality of lives of the people," he said.恩古尼表示:“在这些地区,小型基础设施项目,如小型水电站、小型太阳能发电厂或小型灌溉水坝,有助于提高小型社区的产能,从而改善民众生活质量。”
Silas Totolela, who has a keen interest in China-Africa cooperation and gained a master's degree in curriculum and methodology in China, said infrastructure development in villages will help people in rural areas to access the kind of services that city residents take for granted.西拉斯·托托莱拉对中非合作非常感兴趣,并在中国获得课程与教学论专业硕士学位。他说,农村地区基础设施建设将帮助这些地区民众享受城市居民已经习以为常的服务设施。