China Daily
国际奥委会和东京奥组委6月15日公布了第三版防疫手册,进一步明确了对违反防疫规定者的具体处罚。其中包括被国际奥委会取消参赛资格、罚款以及被日本政府命令离开日本等相关措施。 Athletes at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics must eat alone, be tested daily, and refrain from talking in confined spaces such as elevators under tough new Covid rules announced by organizers on Tuesday.根据主办方6月15日发布的严格的新版新冠防疫规定,东京奥运会和残奥会运动员必须单独吃饭,每天接受核酸检测,并避免在电梯等狭小空间内交谈。 Note: confined (空间或面积)有限的,狭小的 The 11,000 competitors at the Games, along with support staff and media, have also been told they cannot speak to a driver in an official vehicle – and will face the threat of fines, disqualification, medals being taken away and even deportation for repeated or “malicious” offences.11000名奥运健儿以及支持人员和媒体均被告知不能在公务车上与司机交谈,屡次或“恶意”违规将面临罚款、取消参赛资格、取消奖牌,甚至被驱逐出境的处罚。