China Daily
The World Health Organization has warned that half of Europe will have caught the Omicron Covid-19 variant within the next six to eight weeks.世界卫生组织警告,在未来6到8周内,欧洲一半人口将感染奥密克戎变异毒株。
The projection was based on the seven million new cases reported across Europe in the first week of 2022.该预测基于2022年第一周全欧洲报告的700万新增病例。
The number of infections has more than doubled in a two-week period.感染人数在两周内翻了一番以上。
"Today the Omicron variant represents a new west-to-east tidal wave, sweeping across the region on top of the Delta surge that all countries were managing until late 2021," Dr Hans Kluge told a news conference.汉斯·克鲁格博士在新闻发布会上表示:“如今,奥密克戎毒株正自西向东席卷整个欧洲,直到2021年底,所有国家还都在控制德尔塔毒株的迅速传播。”
He quoted the Seattle-based Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation as forecasting that "more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks".他引用位于西雅图的卫生计量与评估研究所的预测,“欧洲50%以上的人口将在未来6到8周内感染奥密克戎”。
He said European and Central Asian countries remained under "intense pressure" as the virus spread from western countries into the Balkans.克鲁格博士称,随着病毒从西方国家传播到巴尔干半岛,欧洲和中亚国家仍然面临“巨大压力”。
Note:Balkans 巴尔干(位于欧洲东南部,包括萨瓦河和多瑙河以南诸国)
"How each country now responds must be informed by its epidemiological situation, available resources, vaccination uptake status and socio-economic context", he added.他补充道:“各国现在必须根据其流行病学情况、可用资源、疫苗接种情况和社会经济环境来确定如何应对。”
Recent studies suggest that Omicron is less likely to make people seriously ill than previous Covid-19 variants. But Omicron is still highly contagious and can infect people even if they are fully vaccinated.最近的研究表明,与以前的新冠病毒变种相比,感染奥密克戎发展为重症的可能更低。但奥密克戎毒株仍具有高度传染性,即使完成疫苗接种的人也可能感染。
The record number of people catching it has left health systems under severe strain.创纪录的感染人数使卫生系统承受着巨大的压力。