China Daily
Smooching boosts saliva production and clears the mouth of the bad bacteria and acids that cause decay.接吻可以促进唾液的分泌,清除口腔中腐蚀牙齿的有害细菌和酸。
Orthodontist Dr Khaled Kasem said people should kiss for four minutes a day on top of brushing and flossing.正畸医生卡里德·卡西姆称,在刷牙和使用牙线的同时,可以每天接吻四分钟。
He said: “The main benefit of kissing is that it produces more saliva in your mouth.他说:“接吻主要好处是促进口腔分泌更多唾液。”
“Saliva neutralizes the acids that sit on your teeth which helps to reduce your risk of getting tooth decay. It can also wash bacteria off your teeth to reduce stubborn oral plaque.“唾液能中和牙齿上的酸,有助于降低蛀牙的风险。还能清洁牙齿上的细菌,减少顽固的牙菌斑。”
A daily snog also reduces infection risk because bacteria from your partner’s saliva boost your immune system — and vice versa.每天接吻还可以降低感染风险,因为伴侣唾液中的细菌会提高你的免疫力。
Other health benefits include stress relief, thanks to love hormones, and more youthful looks from exercising the face muscles.接吻的其他健康益处还包括缓解压力,这要归功于荷尔蒙,锻炼面部肌肉还会让你看起来更年轻。
But lovers might swap bad bacteria and boost the risk of decay if one of them already has dental problems.但如果恋人之间已经有一人的牙齿出现问题,那么接吻可能会交换坏细菌,增加蛀牙风险。
Dr Kasem added: “The only negative impact of kissing is when people are sick, have a cold sore or already have bad oral hygiene.”卡西姆还表示:“接吻的唯一坏处出现在当人们生病、感冒或口腔卫生状况不佳时。”
The British Dental Association said snacking, sipping fizzy drinks and not cleaning your teeth thoroughly all raise the risk of tooth decay.英国牙科协会表示,吃零食、喝汽水和不彻底清洁牙齿都会增加蛀牙风险。
A BDA spokesperson said: “Kissing is no substitute for following a good oral hygiene routine.”该协会一位发言人称:“接吻并不能替代良好的口腔卫生习惯。”