上海外企积极复工复产 对中国市场信心不变
China Daily
Multinational corporations in Shanghai have implemented contingency plans to maintain production as the city's authorities have introduced measures to help businesses in the city return to normal operations.随着上海市政府采取措施帮助该市企业恢复正常经营,上海的跨国公司已实施应急计划维持生产。
While supply chain challenges remain, most executives of multinationals said that their long-term confidence in China remains intact.尽管供应链挑战依然存在,但绝大多数跨国公司高管表示,他们对中国的长期信心依然保持不变。
A number of global manufacturers have entered into "closed-loop management" in Shanghai since late March, prior to the city's lockdown, when staff members were mobilized to stay on site and their health was closely monitored.3月下旬上海封控前,一些跨国公司工厂已在上海进入“闭环管理”,当时员工被动员留在公司,他们的健康状况也在密切监测中。
Chemical giants such as AkzoNobel, Evonik, Suez and Clariant have adjusted their production portfolios and personnel arrangements in a bid to ensure that deliveries to clients would be minimally interrupted by the lockdown.阿克苏诺贝尔、赢创、苏伊士和科莱恩等化工巨头已调整了生产职责和人员安排,以确保将封控对产品交付的影响降到最低。
For German company Covestro, this translates into nearly 900 employees and contractors staying at its Caojing plant in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park and strictly following the government's anti-epidemic rules.对德国科思创公司来说,这意味着近900名员工和承包商将留在其位于上海化学工业园区的漕泾工厂,并严格遵守政府的防疫规定。
As of today, the company's largest site worldwide is running at a high capacity and is gradually recovering from recent weeks when logistics constraints hampered production, according to Holly Lei, Covestro senior vice-president and president of Covestro China.科思创全球高级副总裁兼中国区总裁雷焕丽表示,截至今天,该公司全球最大的工厂目前生产负荷保持较高水平,并正逐渐从最近几周因物流不畅阻碍生产的情况中恢复过来。
"As the city began to prioritize the resumption of industrial production, we also witnessed a rebound in outbound logistics, including exports, as well as the improved availability of materials as road logistics improves and work recovers at our suppliers," she said.雷焕丽称:“随着上海市开始优先考虑恢复工业生产,包括出口在内的外向物流有所好转,原材料供应也随着公路物流运输的改善和一些供应商的复工有所改善。”
Since the middle of April, governments at the central and local levels have been striving to restore business operations, identifying key industries to resume operations first and outlining directives to balance out economic growth and epidemic prevention and control.自4月中旬以来,中央和地方各级政府一直在努力恢复生产经营,确定优先恢复经营的关键行业,并制定了平衡经济增长和疫情防控的指引。
Tesla CEO Elon Musk said its Gigafactory in Shanghai has resumed production "at fairly high levels", boosting hopes that the electric carmaker could produce 1.5 million vehicles this year, more than 50 percent higher than its output in 2021.特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克表示,特斯拉上海超级工厂已经恢复了“相当高水平”的产能,今年有望生产150万辆汽车,较2021的产量增加50%以上。
"Giga Shanghai is coming back with a vengeance," he told analysts during a call on April 20, following the release of Tesla's first-quarter earnings. "I think we will see record output per week from Giga Shanghai this quarter, albeit missing a couple of weeks."在特斯拉公布第一季度盈利后,马斯克在4月20日的一次电话会议上告诉分析人士,“上海超级工厂已恢复生产,我认为接下来本季度会有创纪录的周产量出现,尽管错过了几周的时间。”